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Fishtycoon Full Version (Games)

FishTycoon yaitu game pembibitan ikan tujuannya untuk berkembang biak dan memiliki aquarium sendiri. anda harus menemukan 7 sihir ikan dan memecahkan teka-teki genetik dalam game ini. anda juga harus membeli perlengkapan ibarat obat-obatan,telur dan flora khusus jikalau anda punya cukup uang untuk melengkapi aquarium virtual anda.

  • - Runs in True-Real Time: new surprises every time you turn the game on.
  • - More than 400 different species of fish to discover.
  • - Genetic Puzzle: discover which breeding combinations will create the 7 Magic Fish.
  • - Virtual Pet: care for your fish, breed them and make baby fish.
  • - Simulation Game: virtual fish in a persistent world.
  • - Screensaver Mode: breed and choose your own fish for your built-in screensaver.
  • - Customizable Tanks: place your ornaments where you like most!
  • - Tycoon Game: test your business skills and aquarium skills at the same time.
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